- Essence: Malachite – Awakening
- Mind: Snow Quartz – Clarity
- Body: Clear Quartz – Restoration
- Spirit: Tiger’s Eye – Courage
Ground yourself this New Moon then look deeply into your heart and awaken to what you see there. What you see in your heart will guide you in the right direction.

Clarity is key to manifesting the life that you desire. Wipe away anything that has been distorting your vision, see yourself clearly and act accordingly.

Stepping onto your path will help you heal. Pain and anxiety often accompany people pleasing behaviors. Coming back to yourself and releasing the need to live in the confines of other expectations is restorative.

Your desires are supported by the powers that be. Take inspired action and invite what is already yours.

3 Practical Things to do this New Moon
- Give yourself space to get clear
- Check in with your body
- Take a first step
This is a time for internal input, not external. The expectations, filters, and bias of others may be well meaning but can confuse and distract you. This is especially true if you have people pleasing tendencies, work to keep the peace, or are conditioned to second guess yourself. Step away from others and connect with your inner knowing.
Once you find that space, use some exercise to gain clarity. You may choose to write a list of pros and cons, set a timer and brainstorm ideas, maybe speak your thoughts out loud. If it feels comfortable, it is appropriate. Pay attention to your body as you examine your ideas. The sensations and where you feel them as you move through your process of gaining clarity will help you see which way to go.
Write down what you feel to be true, trust that you are supported on your path, and take a first step in the direction of your dreams. Keep notice of how it feels for you. Check in with your body. Rely on your own input more than the input of others.
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