- Essence: Rose Quartz – Compassion
- Mind: Tiger’s Eye – Courage
- Body: Moss Agate – Growth
- Spirit: Chevron Amethyst – Journey
Are you putting conditions on the love that you show yourself? Are you questioning if you are worthy? Rose Quartz reminds you that you are worthy of unconditional love and compassion.

Take this message and apply it to the inspired action that Tiger’s Eye is encouraging you to take. It takes courage to follow your dreams. You are supported in following your own path.

Moss Agate shares that it is time to move in a different way than you have been. This is literal, gently move your body in new and different ways that support flexibility and well-being. Growth comes from flexibility

If this seems overwhelming, or beyond your knowledge, Chevron Amethyst shares that connecting with your higher self will guide you. You may find that relaxing into it will support this connection. Be gentle and you will be supported.

3 Practical Things to do this New Moon
- Connect with your higher self
- Work on your flexibility
- Take inspired action
Connect with your higher self for guidance through meditation. Meditation can support you when you feel overwhelmed, even if it seems like the last thing that will help you. Recognize that messages from your higher self may not come during meditation. They may show up later, in a moment of clarity or a dream perhaps. I find that mine show up most frequently when I am alone in the car.
Flexibility is key. Gentle stretching or yoga asana for your body and lower expectations with yourself and others will help you move through this phase with compassion and love. It is okay to get a little stuck and move in a way that is less than perfect. Remembering that you are human and here for Earth school may help.
Use the knowledge that you gain from connecting with your higher self and working on your flexibility to support your movement through the next two weeks. Review your calendar and decide what realistic expectations look like. Resist the pressure to attend, do, and be everything. Schedule in time to meditate, rest, and honor your own needs.
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