Build Your Crystal Toolkit


Amethyst clusters with inclusions

One of the most powerful crystals that you can use is Amethyst, a purple quartz crystal that is easy to find and an affordable addition to your crystal toolkit.

Amethyst is known to calm the mind, enhance insight, and encourage sobriety. Amethyst is also tied to dreams, protection, and healing.

About Amethyst

Amethyst is a blend of silicon dioxide and iron and may include a variety of other elements. It sits at 7 on the MOHS hardness scale which means it is very hard and resistant to damage.

MOHS hardness scale

Amethyst ranges in color from light lavender to deep purple and can be found around the world. Places that amethyst naturally occurs include:

  • Asia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • East Africa
  • Europe
  • Mexico
  • Russia
  • The United States  

You can see how readily available Amethyst is. You might even find it in your neighborhood and bypass the crystal shop.

When looking for amethyst it may be helpful to know that she takes the form of single points, clusters, and geodes.

Amethyst changes color when exposed to high temperatures. Ametrine is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine that occurs naturally in nature. It is also created artificially to enhance and increase the value of natural Amethyst.


Both Citrine and Smoky Quartz can also be created by heating Amethyst. Even if they are heat treated, these stones still offer the valuable benefits of Citrine and Smoky Quartz. They do differ from naturally occurring, so I encourage you to work with them to get clear on how they operate.

Amethyst Energy

Energetically speaking, Amethyst is a receptive stone that connects to the element of spirit and balances the energy centers at your brow, also known as your third eye, and your crown.

Your third eye is your mind’s eye, your internal vision. Your crown is your connection to spirit, your higher power in whatever way you connect with that concept.

Physical issues that connect to these energy centers including headaches and vision issues benefit from the use of Amethyst.

From a spiritual perspective, Amethyst enhances your love of the divine. It encourages you to be more selfless and is a useful tool for meditation in general.

Inside of an Amethyst geode

Amethyst enhances awareness so you may find that you are more observant of what is happening inside and in your environment. These attributes are why it is considered a stone of understanding and of protection.

Amethyst can help you cope with change and make transitions smoother, both in this body and as we physically move on to what comes next.

Using Amethyst

Some say amethyst is a helpful tool for overcoming insomnia. At bedtime, tucking a piece of Amethyst into your pillowcase, or wearing some, can encourage sleep, even when sleep is usually hard to achieve.

Amethyst may keep nightmares away. If you use an herbal dream pillow for soothing dreams, this may be where you choose to tuck in a piece of Amethyst. If you do, remember that Amethyst works with our third eye and crown so prophetic dreams are a possibility.

Hold Amethyst in your left hand, your receptive hand, or place on your forehead between your eyebrows to invite calmness, peace, and connection while meditating. This supports the conscious mind as well as the unconscious. Your critical thinking skills and rational decision making are enhanced as your conscious mind is engaged.

Amethyst with Sage and Lavender

Use Amethyst elixir to brew up a cup of herbal tea. Sage and Lavender are herbs that pair well with Amethyst.

Place Amethyst as needed when using it to calm physical symptoms.

When wearing Amethyst on your body keep it above heart level as a pendant or earrings.

Amethyst partners well with other crystals in yoru environment. Use with Rose Quartz in your living room to support understanding and compassion.

Amethyst cluster with rough Rose Quartz, a heat treated Citrine cluster, and Selenite sticks

The Sobriety Stone

The word Amethyst comes from the Greek word for sober, amethustos. In recovery circles, Amethyst is known as The Sobriety, or Sober, Stone as it is said to help in overcoming addictions, particularly alcohol addiction.

Greek mythology tells the story of a young woman, Amethyst, who had a not so positive encounter with the Greek god Dionysus. To save her, the goddess Artemis turns her into a clear crystal. Depending on the version that you read, Dionysus, sobered by the incident, either cried tears of wine or poured his wine over the crystal and Amethyst turned from clear to purple.

Amethyst Overview

Amethyst point

Amethyst is a hard crystalline stone that grows in many places on Earth. It ranges in color from light to dark purple and grows in points, clusters, and geodes.

Heat treating Amethyst can create Ametrine, Citrine and Smoky Quartz. These last three do occur naturally so be clear on how to tell the difference.

Amethyst connects with your upper energy centers, your brow and crown. These energy centers correspond to insight, understanding, and connection with your higher self or higher power. Imbalances can create physical symptoms connected to clarity of thought and vision, sleep disturbances and physical discomfort in these areas.

Amethyst partners well with herbs that connect with the upper chakras and is a beneficial stone to keep in your bed or at your bedside.

You can wear, hold, or rest Amethyst on your person.

Amethyst is considered a useful addition to recovery programs due to a Greek mythological connection.

Amethyst is a powerful tool to keep in your crystal toolkit.

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