Clear and confident communication comes from a balanced energy center, or chakra, at your throat.
Your Energy Centers
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning disc or wheel. It is believed to have originated in India and is first referenced in ancient Vedic texts linked to both yoga and Ayurveda. Your Chakras are spinning wheels of energy, and the Chakra system is the energy system of your body, responsible for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. They can be found in your spiritual body, sharing space and aligning with your physical body.
Balanced energy centers ensure that you are running at peak possible performance. Imbalances can manifest in your physical and emotional body in predictable ways.
Correspondence and Function
Each energy center corresponds with an element that relates to its function. The energy center at your throat corresponds with the element of air and governs communication. Communication is a blend of projecting and receiving.
Your voice is a product of the vibrations that occur when air moves over your vocal cords and through your mouth.
The sounds that you hear travel through the airwaves and their arrival triggers vibrations in your ears.

Glandular Alignment
Your 7 main energy centers exist in your spiritual body and are aligned with the endocrine centers in your physical body.
The energy center at your throat aligns with your thyroid gland which communicates how energy will be used in your body as it regulates your metabolism.
This energy comes from the food and drink that, in most cases, enters through your mouth and travels down your throat as you begin the process of digestion.
Physical Areas Influenced
The energy center at your throat influences the areas that relate to these types of communication. They are your airways including nose, sinuses, tongue, mouth, throat and passages.
Moving outward, this energy center also influences most of your ears, nose, lips and cheeks, cervical vertebrae, and the nerves that supply these areas. These nerves include those that innervate C3 through C7, some cranial and several facial nerves

Your throat is a hollow tube that extends from behind your nose to your esophagus which begins the area governed by the energy center below your throat, your heart.
Digestion begins in this area and is influenced by the balance of this energy center as are nasal and food allergies.
It is important to note that these are not clearly defined areas and that each energy center blends with other energy centers, both large and small.
Energy centers effect and are effected by physical function. While your mouth is influenced by the energy center at your throat which governs communication, your teeth are influenced by the energy center at your base or root which governs security, stability, and safety.
Signs of Balance
A person with a balanced energy center at their throat could have good hearing and be confident in their speech. They could also be good at listening.
Balance at the throat can also support a supple and supportive neck.
Clear sinus function and healthy digestion are signs of a balanced throat chakra.
Signs of Imbalance:
Physical signs of an energetic throat imbalance include:
- frequent viruses that enter through nasal membranes, i.e. colds
- hypoactive or hyperactive thyroid function
- hearing difficulties
- neck challenges
- throat issues
- sinus issues
- ear infections
Emotional signs of an energetic throat imbalance include:
- difficulty in speaking up for oneself
- speaking out inappropriately
- struggling to share openly and honestly
- unable to stop talking
- consistent negative language
Bringing Balance
Your energy system is influenced by exposure to the world around you from other living beings to a variety of other things including your food, drink, and even your thoughts. This exposure has a direct effect on how each individual Chakra functions. Because it is a system, the function of each energy center has an impact on the whole system.
Information about tools for bringing and maintaining balance is not medical advice, nor should it be used in place of seeing a medical professional if and when you experience issues. Holistic tools should be considered a complement to any allopathic treatment that you may need.
Also, not everyone reacts in the same way to natural ingredients and allergies are common. Do not use anything that you have reacted to in the past, or if you suspect a sensitivity exists. Contact a medical professional with personal safety questions.
There are many tools that can support your balanced energy system. Some of the tools that can help include:
- color
- gemstones, crystals, and minerals
- scent
- fuel or food
- herbs
Color is controversial regarding balancing energy centers. I have personally found that it influences my mood and balance. There is also a great deal of information available on the psychology of color. Even if it is just a placebo effect, the purpose of this information is not to diagnose or prescribe. If using color to bring balance speaks to you, do it. If not, maybe another tool will resonate.

When using color to balance the energy center at your throat, blue is the one to use. On the spectrum of blue, the throat is more connected to lighter and greener shades like sky blue, sea blue, or turquoise. This shade is often considered to be cool and serene.
Use blue in rooms where communication would benefit from support. Wear blue when speaking to a group or making a presentation where you will be the focus of attention. Place something blue in your line of sight when you need to balance the energy at your throat.
Gemstone, Crystals, and Minerals
Gemstones, crystals, and minerals support balanced energy centers through a process called entrainment. Both energy centers and crystals vibrate at specific frequencies. If you have an unbalanced energy center, bring a stone that vibrates at a frequency near or equal to it near your energy center. The vibration of the stone will entrain the energy of the Chakra, returning it to balance.
Sodalite balances the energy center at your throat, It facilitates clear, creative expression, especially in group settings. It is also useful in overcoming any previous programming that prevents you from speaking up for yourself or others.
Scent can trigger memories, mentally transport you through time and space, and bring balance to your energy centers.
The fragrance of Frankincense (Boswellia cateri) supports balance at your throat. The resin tears should be placed on a charcoal disc to create purifying smoke.

Fuel or Food
Each energy center responds to a specific fuel. This ranges from fasting to indulging in what we consider comfort food.
Fruits bring balance to the energy center at your throat. Eat whole fruit to experience the full range of what fruit can offer. Juice alone relates more to liquid which fuels a different energy center.
Herbs are popular not only as complementary wellness practice but in allopathic medicine as well. They are flexible in usage and many herbs have a wide range of benefits.
Sage is a versatile herb for your physical throat as well as your energetic throat.
Drink or gargle with sage tea to help:
- colds
- fevers
- sore throats
- hoarseness
- laryngitis
- support your immune system
Energetically the attributes of sage correspond to clearing out negativity while supporting positive and clear communication.
The energy center at your throat relates to communication.
A balanced energy center at your throat supports balanced and open communication, healthy upper airways, and a flexible neck.
Imbalances in the throat can manifest as challenged and inappropriate communication, allergies and infections, and inflexibility in speech and movement.
The energy center at your throat can respond positively to a variety of balancing tools. Explore your options and work with the tools that feel most supportive, and you are comfortable using.
My posts are researched and written without the use of AI.
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The information included in this post should not be used as medical advice. Seek immediate assistance from a licensed professional in the case of a medical emergency. Consult with your physician regarding medical questions.