Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a culinary, medicinal, ornamental, and magical plant. The name comes from the Latin word for salvation and it has a long history of being used as everything from a preservative to an assistant in weaning children.

A woody perennial with square stems and an almost furry stem, sage comes from the northern Mediterranean. This beautiful flowering herb is hardy in North American growing zones 4 – 8. It has single, opposite leaves and pale blossoms.
Sage grows well in a container. It also plays well with others in the garden where is can reduce cabbage moths and carrot flies while it attracts bees.
Plant sage with cabbage, carrots, strawberries and marjoram. Keep sage seperate from onions.

It takes two years for Sage to reach a size that allows for more than one harvest but an established plant can provide more than enough for household use. Prune to prevent sage from getting too leggy. (Yes, that is my neglected sage plant in the photo.)
Sage should be dried and stored as whole leaves or crumbled gently. You may notice a different taste to your dried sage than fresh. This is normal.

In the kitchen, sage is good to cook with fatty meats like pork and roasted poultry as the camphor and terpenes will aid in their digestion. Use this herb sparingly as over indulging in sage can actually lead to indigestion.
Ingesting sage can also work as a hormonal stimulant. It has been used for centuries by nursing mothers seeking to reduce breast milk production as their children reach the point of being weaned. The reduction is credited to the estrogen stimulation, which may also assist those suffering from hot flashes.

Use sage in a gargle or a throat spray for sore throats or swollen tonsils. Sage also makes a pungent, savory tea. Sweeten it with honey and lemon to address mucus and coughs.
Sage is antiviral and antibacterial so it can help prevent, and help resolve, colds and flu. Infuse raw, local honey with sage and use that to sweeten any beverage.

Some consider Sage a magical herb.
At one time, it was credited as a means of achieving immortality. I don’t know about that but regular use could definitely contribute to a long life.
Sage has a projective energy and is connected to the Air element
It is said that sage can clear negative energy, increasing the vibration of a space. This includes your personal space when used in soap, a bath, or frangrance.
Burning sage has cultural significance. Be clear about this practice before choosing to participate. There may be other energy clearing practices more in alignment for you.

Sage brings a lot to the table. Sage in your garden, and in your kitchen, brings wide ranging and deep acting wellness benefits.
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